Mission Statement
To be the preeminent, independent laboratory serving network and service providers, equipment vendors, venture capital groups, and others by providing insightful, innovative, and business focused solutions on technologies, services, and networks.
About Technology Assurance Labs
Formed in March 2003, as a privately owned Limited Liability Company headquartered in Oviedo, Florida. It is an independent laboratory that specializes in serving equipment vendors, venture capital groups, and service providers.
Over 50+ years networking experience
Real results, not just reports — “We get our hands dirty, and you get the facts.

GSA Certificate
Technology Assurance Labs finished the GSA certification process in October 2008. Our GSA # GS-35F-0394X was recently renewed and is valid until 2026 for the below labor categories.
Network and System Architecture, Engineer, and Technician
Our Experience
Product Development
Data Center Load Balancers
Wireless Technologies (WiFi, RFID, Microwave)
Wireless Sensor Networks (IOT, LoRA, SigFox, etc.)
Security Cameras and Video Storage
IP/Ethernet Switches, Routers, and Network Protocols

Map Of Services

What we do?
We are an independent, fee based Labs, not aligned with any vendor. This allows us to work with you to understand your needs, then recommend technologies which fit your requirements. Selecting technology is like getting married; it is a long term relationship, expensive to back out of.

The technology space is always turbulent so we’ll guide you through the confusion.

Technology Assurance Labs supports you by providing viable answers that meet your needs,

We support you to undertake the most complex technology and networking projects.

Technology Assurance Labs,
PO Box 621960, Oviedo,
FL 32762